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Our Homes


Advantages of Factory Built Housing


Cost Effective-Our Homes are built by well-trained, fulltime professionals in an assembly line manner for the greatest efficiency in labor cost and consistency of workmanship.


Controlled Environment-All our homes are built indoors where weather cannot damage building materials or cause work stoppage.


Buying Power-The companies that build our homes have tremendous buying power when negotiating contracts with their component manufacturers.  Suppliers like Owens Corning, General Electric, Georgia Pacific, Moen, Armstrong, etc....


Higher Standards-Factory Built Homes are built to higher standards than stick built homes and are subject to more inspections and regulations.

Types of Homes We Offer


HUD Code (Housing and Urban Development) - which are singlewide or multi-section homes.  These type homes are built to the national code, which includes a permanent steel chassis under the home.  They can include options such as full finished drywall, 2x6 exterior walls, porcelain sinks and fiberglass tubs. 


State Code Modular Homes (built to specifications dictated by KY or IN).  These are  removed from a carrier and set on a permanent foundation by either a crane or roller system.  NOTE - Unlike many of our competitors, we don’t used hybrid aka “on-frame” modular type homes (those that have steel chassis under them).  Our modular homes are “off-frame” and will not have a chassis under them.  Our modular homes have a minimum 5/12 roof pitch.  Because of these building standards, our modular homes are comparable with “stick built” homes as far as zoning restrictions, insurance costs and lender appraisals. 

Call us toll free 

Toll Free: (800) 526-5622

Local: (502) 955-5622

Open 6 days a week:

Monday-Friday                  10am-5pm 

Saturday                            10am-3pm 

Closed Sundays

We will be closed all major holidays & the following Saturdays: 

4/19, 5/24, 7/5, 8/30, 11/29, 12/27.


Our office is located at:

490 Sparrow Drive

Shepherdsville, KY 40165

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